Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Thing I'm Not Good at Saying Out Loud

Thank God it's SEPTEMBER!! 'Tis the season when my favorite Hollywood TV series resume their shows in a brand new season. The excerpt below is from one of the episodes of one of my favorite TV shows, How I Met Your Mother. The show revolves around the lives of five friends, but mainly on how one of them, Ted Mosby, goes about his life with friends (and women) until he meets his wife. On this particular episode, Ted helps one of his ex-girlfriends to actually save her marriage with another man. In the process, he realizes things and just goes on and says it.

Ted: ...I’m gonna say something out loud that I've been doing a pretty good job of not saying out loud lately. What you and Tony have, what I thought for a second you and I had, what I know that Marshall and Lilly have, I want that. I do. I keep waiting for it to happen and... I guess I’m just... I’m tired of waiting. And that is all I’m going to say on that subject.
Stella: ...I know that you’re tired of waiting and you may have to wait a little while more but... she’s on her way, Ted. And she’s getting here as fast as she can.”
Ted and Stella, How I Met Your Mother, Season 4 Episode 23.

The guy pretty much said out loud what a lot of us single men aren't good at saying out loud. I know it's usually the girl who waits and all that, but guys do wait too. While we search and search, we wait for the right time as well. I once heard of the saying "right person, wrong time, still not right" and I agree with that. And sometimes, there just comes a point when a guy feels exactly like Ted did. I did.

Yes, I did. In the past. No longer do. No longer feel tired of waiting, and now willing to wait... again. Still, in the words of Ted Mosby, "And that is all I’m going to say on that subject." Thank God it's September.

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