Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

I love Christmas! Christmas songs top my reasons with tunes that are uniquely for this season! As old as hymns are, Christmas songs get reinvented and revive the sentimental side of everyone...unless you're the Grinch. I love the sparkle and glamour that Christmas lights bring; a certain wide-eyed wonder in every child on the street, some pressing their faces on the store windows to just get a closer peek of the display. I love the warm feel of reds and greens, some copper and blues, and even the whites bring out a nostalgic moment a midst its plainness throughout the rest of the year. And why wouldn't it when it is also the season for weddings! A season when couples finally tie the sacred bonds of their 'til-death-do-us-part's and begin a roller coaster ride of building a family on love.

Some people aren't mad over the holidays. I'd understand. Streets get jammed, malls get jammed, the shoppers are crazy, your Secret Santa/Munito-Munita is picky, you've got more nephews, nieces, and inaanaks than the grains of rice on your plate, and the heaviest reality of all, the funds are depleted.

I still smile after thinking about this. Rethink about it: It is the season where people go the extra mile, exhaust their reserves, go through hours of traffic, and shove their way through a sea of crazy sale shoppers, just so they have something to give on Christmas day. All the earth is moving double time and working the hard extra hours just to get service to clients/customers. I'm not saying everyone is willfully doing it with a cheerful heart and the holiday spirit, but at the end of the loooooong process of making this gift item or preparing these food, it still brings a smile on a son's/daugter's/mom's/dad's/friend's(/pet's if you may) face. It's chaotic, beautiful selflessness and it happens like clockwork during this time of the year. It is in the human soul.

Why wouldn't it be? After all, the big kahuna for all of these was the biggest inconceivable selfless act: (Start of sentence) The God whose presence is of bolts of lighting and rolling thunder, Maker of erupting spheres of fire and suspended spinning rocks, Commander of the skies and seas, the only One worshiped and obeyed by nature, stepped down from his awesome, splendorous, glorious, and majestic dwelling, and came to this world through a bloody birth into a stinky, cramped, and damp cow and donkey hole -- it's all the tiny world had to offer that night (End of sentence). And at the end of His stay here, he actually had to die for the world who welcomed Him in a stable; the world who did not recognize Him even after the stars in the heavens and the heavenly host and angels exalted Him on that night. Nobody recognized the King, but He would die for them anyway, and yes He did die (and live again) for them anyway. What a chore. Nothing we've ever gone through compares. Chaotic, beautiful selflessness.

Merry Christmas, planet Earth.